Your name is how you are identified so it naming a baby is certainly something that can not be taken lightly . Did you know that there are some Baby Names your country won't allow? In Australia, you can give your newborn just about any name you wish, well apart from Ikea and the mind boggles at what these parents were thinking when they tried to name their newborn ‘Dickhead’. Luckily, the Australian authorities intervened and banned the name.
In Australia, the Registrar can refuse to register a birth name in circumstances including any of the following:
- It is obscene or offensive
- It cannot be established by repute or usage because it’s too long or contains symbols (such as an exclamation mark).
- It is displayed in the form of initials or acronyms
- It creates confusion in the community
- It contains an official title or rank recognised in Australia
- It may be considered reasonably likely to insult, humiliate, offend or intimidate a person or group.
Several other countries have some very strict rules when naming your child.
Let's take a look at some of the baby-name rules in these countries.
New Zealand baby names must not be too long or offend anyone. New Zealand has said no to names such as Fish and Chips and Satan however if you have twin you can call them Benson and Hedges , which is a cigarette brand.
In Germany, you must be able to tell the gender of the child by the first name. You also cannot use last names as first names.
The Germans did approve Legolas from “Lord of the Rings” and Nemo for boys though.
Sweden has a naming law that says first names cannot offend anyone, including the person who has the name, and it never leaves you. This is a very broad request as what might offend one person, may not offend another.
If your original name is John and you want to change it to Mark, you still have to keep the original, so your name is now Mark-John.
The Swedes do accept Google as a middle name however they do not accept Metallica or Elvis. Go figure huh!
Last names are not mandatory in Indonesia. he name given by parents usually reflects their aspirations for their child. For instance in Java you can meet people called Slamet (Javanese : safe, peaceful ; only for boys) or Beja (Javanese : Luck). People with Putri/Putra (princess/prince) in their name are very common too.
In Japan, like in China and Korea, the first name follows the family name. A person with the first name "Ichiro" and the family name "Suzuki" is, therefore, called "Suzuki Ichiro" rather than "Ichiro Suzuki". The gender of a person can be guessed by the ending of his/her first name. First names ending with -ro, -shi, -ya, or -o are typically male first names, while names ending in -ko, -mi, -e and -yo are typically female first names.
Denmark has a very strict “Law on Personal Names,” . You may only choose from a list of 7,000 names.
Rejected names in Denmark include Pluto and Monkey. The Danes did say OK to Benji.
Your baby’s name in Iceland must only contain letters in the Icelandic alphabet and nothing to embarrass the child in the future. And, as in Germany, the names must reflect the gender.
Bambi is OK in Denmark. Duncan is not: there is no “c” in the Icelandic alphabet. That also rules our Christopher and Clair. OOps.
When you name your new baby in China, a computer scanner has to be able to read it for your baby’s national identification card. This means that there can be no non-Chinese symbols as the computer says NO.
And in Norway, no last names for first names.
In Africa, Among several ethnic groups, picking out names can be influenced by positive or negative circumstances the family finds themselves in around the time a child is born. For this reason, often, such names are complete sentences. As an example Yetunde or Yewande (mother has come back) is a Yoruba name given to a girl whose grandmother or other female relative died before she was born. While Kimaiyo and Jemaiyo are names sometimes given to baby boys and girls whose births coincide with men drinking locally brewed beer (Maiywek) among the Kalenjins.
Whether you have a baby boy or baby girl, I am sure that you have been considering what to name your baby for some time. Take a moment to consider where you live and enjoy those baby cuddles.