Is my child entering Puberty? - Little Kids Business

Is my child entering Puberty?

As your child changes into an adolescent, the reality that your baby is growing up becomes all too real. First, they might steer away from public affection and they may even challenge your authority and try and call you by your first name. 

It’s helpful to identify when your child is beginning to enter puberty so that you are mentally and emotionally prepared for the changes. 
Body Odour
The very first sign of puberty can be smelt years before puberty hit. I can attest to the fact that my children began to battle with Body odour from age 7-8 years and is caused by larger sweat glands also develop during puberty. To prevent body odour, talk to your child about deodorant options and make sure they shower regularly and was properly.

Acne can be a problem for both boys and girls. The changing hormones cause oils to build upon the skin and clog pores. This may occur on your child’s face, back, or chest.

If you have a family history of acne, there’s a higher possibility your child will also experience acne. Is the problem is especially severe the doctor can recommend stronger prescription treatments for severe Acne

Although it might feel good to pop a pimple, dermatologists advise against it. Popping a pimple can cause infection and scarring, and it may make the pimple more inflamed, noticeable and delay the natural healing process. For this reason, it’s best to leave pimples alone.

Weight Fluctuations

During puberty, it is important to help your child maintain a healthy weight. This may involve taking them to a Nutritionist so that someone other than you can explain how much food their bodies require and how to make healthy food choices. 

To maintain a healthy weightteenagers also need to spend more time outdoors involved in active play so it’s important to look for a sport or form of exercise they love. 

Let’s look at the changes to the body and when to expect them.
Many people refer to the stages of puberty according to the Tanner growth chart which is based on the growth of pubic hair, the development of the genitalia in boys, and of breasts in girls.

Please see our puberty indicators below. 

Early-onset puberty / precocious puberty

In some children, puberty can come on earlier than expected. If you feel that your child is experiencing early puberty, we suggest that you see a DR as there is some intervention if you catch the progression early. Some causes of early puberty in girls include thyroid disorders, abnormal brain structure, exposure to radiation therapy, or ovarian cysts. Genetic conditions may also result in early puberty and can be detected with testing. 

Precocious puberty happens before age 8 in girls, and before age 9 in boys. Most children with the disorder grow fast at first. But they also stop growing before reaching their full genetic height potential.

While your child’s physical changes may be a concern, it’s also important to consider their psychological needs. Children with early puberty are more at risk for low self-esteem, depression, and substance abuse. Your son or daughter may require counselling to help address the changes in their body and the effects of any treatments they receive. 

Benefits of Puberty

Did you know that Adolescents become smarter and that is it proven that they become mentally quicker? Performance on intelligence tests also shows increases during adolescence. Teenagers also have an increased processing speed. This means that the brain takes in and uses new stimuli or information more easily. This means that you will have to stay on your toes as they begin to challenge your authority. 

The desire for more privacy is a natural part of adolescence. At the same time, teenagers still need your support to make sensible and safe decisions. Trust is the key to finding a balance between your child’s need for privacy and your need to know what’s going on.

Be both your child’s parent and friend.


Leisa Papa Blog LKB

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